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Selectmen's Minutes 9/26/06
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday evening, September 26, 2006 at 7:35 p.m.
Present: Peter A. Hamilton, Chairman; Theresa McNulty, Clerk; David L. Walsh
            George Samia, Town Administrator
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, move to approve the minutes of the September 12, 2006 meeting.
VOTE: Yes – McNulty, Walsh; Abstain – Hamilton; a majority vote in favor
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Peter P. Spagone of the Skylur J. Spagone Memorial Fund for use of the Town Common on October 9, 2006,  7 a.m. – noon for a Walk for Children Fundraiser for the Skylur J. Spagone Fund.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Peter P. Spagone to appoint him a Veterans’ Agent/Director and Burial Agent/Graves Registration Officer without renewing his contract for a specific time period.
Mr. Hamilton noted this is a statutory requirement to have a Veterans’ Agent and that Mr. Spagone has agreed to remain Veterans’ Agent on an interim basis until the Town comes up with a full-time agent.
            Library Construction grant – forward information to Library Trustees
            Training NIMS – town going through training sessions; first section completed
            School Committee vacancy – accepting applications at Supt. Office
            Informational meeting at COA officer regarding new prescription, October 24 at Riddell
Rd. center
            Municipal Law meeting, Randolph, October 6
Discussed letter from Conservation Commission regarding recommendation to appoint Judson Lyon to fill vacancy. Mr. Walsh stated that he felt that the Board should post vacancy for 2 weeks prior to making appointment. Board members agreed to this.
Mrs. McNulty announced that a decision had been made not to pursue the offer of Ridder Country Club for a Senior Center and that a letter had been sent to Mr. Ridder.
Board congratulated Cathy Chermesino, who has taken a new position of Administrative Coordinator in the Treasurer/Collector’s Office.
Mr. Hamilton read from a letter from the Class of 2007 regarding Homecoming Activities on October 28, 2006; Parade at noon from Water Department area, Football game at 1 p.m., Homecoming Dance 7:30 – 10 p.m.
Mr. Hamilton reported on the Plymouth County Selectmen’s meeting; met in Training Room at Plymouth County Jail; speaker was Carol Carson, Chief Director of Communication and Education for the Ethics Commission; will do free of charge seminar on Conflict of Interest. Noted that School committee had discussed bringing in someone for a seminar on Conflict of Interest, etc. Board agreed to have Mr. Samia contact Ms. Carson and set up a seminar for all interested elected and appointed officials; will work out a date with School Committee.  Noted that second speaker that evening was Rep. Tom O’Brien, Plymouth County treasurer who spoke regarding his plans for the budget, etc. Mr. O’Brien also requested towns to contact him with suggestions
Pending Issues
Mr. Walsh suggested that the Board look into the remaining issues recommended by the Government Review Committee, i.e. Recall By-Law and Town Planner.
Board of Selectmen                                             -2-                                September 26, 2006
A discussion was held regarding Town Planner position. Mr. Walsh noted that he has spoken to Sen. Joyce regarding updating of Master Plan and Sen. Joyce is willing to work with Board on grants for a Town Planner, which would give Town an expert to work on Master Plan.
Mr. Hamilton noted that it is a perfect time to discuss; noted new over 55 housing developments in town; need to look at economic development; Town Planner needed to oversee development and to look into grants, etc.
Mrs. McNulty noted that many of the meetings she has attended regarding grants and economic development are attended by Town Planners.
Board requested that office call area towns and get job descriptions for Town Planners.
Mr. Walsh noted that problem still exists with quality of trash bags; Mr. Hamilton noted that John Haines is waiting for existing stock to be depleted and has already found a better, stronger bag, which will be order soon. Mr. Walsh requested that Mr. Haines come into a meeting with a sample of the new bag.
A discussion was held regarding the Senior Center. It was noted that after investigating several potential sites including the Ridder Country Club, a nursing home and Casa Loma restaurant, it was decided that it didn’t make sense to use these sites and to look at the Leland Farm or Sachem Rock Farm as the site. Mr. Samia is investigating options for both sites. Possible look at same type of modular as used at Central School; can be designed with any type of façade and could be built with the courtyard concept in original design. It was noted that the Selectmen are looking at all options as promised at town meeting.
Mrs. McNulty reported that she had met with Brian Turner who designed the Central School pods; he is working on a senior center in another town; noted that they toured both Sachem Rock Farm and Leland Farm and modular unit could go on either site; Sachem rock farm house could be redone as a modular to look same as existing house; noted modular can be a permanent building; cost approximately $100 to $165 per square foot.
Mrs. McNulty reported that she is waiting for the Brownfields Assessment Report for the Eastern States Steel property; should receive shortly.
Open Forum
No one was present.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn meeting at 8:45 p.m.
            Board of Selectmen